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Barn Owl

This young Barn Owl came in a few weeks ago as a chick, he had come out of the nest. This can occur by accident, it can be on purpose by the mother. This all sounds awful, but sometimes nature is cruel to be clever, the mother can throw a weak chick out of the…

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We don’t take Herons in very often, when we do they have usually come on the wrong side of man. Often they have been been shot with air rifles, swallowed plastic or tangled up with fishing wire. This chappie though is a bit of a puzzle. Rescued from Attenbourough Natutre Reserve, he came to us all…

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Seagull Rehab

Based as far away from the sea as we possibly can be it isn’t that often we get in gulls. However they are well known scavengers at tips and do come inland to see what human food they can scrounge. This cocky young gull came in last week and is eating all on his own….

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Little Owl

This little fella came in with a broken shoulder and broken leg. We took time looking at radiographs and discussing his recovery and surgery/pinning of bones. He underwent surgery and has now had his splints and bandages off, his muscles seem to be building back up every day and he will soon go into an…

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Swan Rescue

Two weeks ago we collected a female swan from a nearby lake, she was very weak and kept collapsing. We examined her, she was thin but there was nothing obvious. So off to our local vets she went for an X-Ray. in the past we have had very poorly swans in, that have swallowed fisherman’s…