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Blackbird Rescue

Its frantic here as always, especially at the weekend when we are off work. So Friday evening we rescued Matilda and 9 piglets, yesterday we had a number of wildlife admissions, collected 3 goats from wales and admitted some unwanted pet rabbits. Today we have had more wildlife admissions including this quick turn around. This…


Pigeon Squab

Today we’ve admitted a swan, a hedgehog with a broken leg and this little man.This pigeon is a little too young to have fledged and was found by a busy road. Pigeons make amazing parents however aren’t renowned for their nest making skills We’ll be his mum for the next couple of weeks. We love…

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Swan Release

Last week we posted about one of the swans in our care, who arrived after being found in the middle of a busy road, very weak and disorientated. We took the large mature swan to our vets as there were no obvious signs that might cause his symptoms, there he was x-rayed which reviled a…

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We have admitted another heron into our wildlife hospital this week. This chap was found grounded. Following an X-ray, it was discovered he has a fracture wing, fortunately it’s a crack in one of the bones and not a break. Bones take around 4 weeks to heal and so he’ll be with ius for at…

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Swan Released

Amongst many jobs completed today, we released the male swan we took in last week. He came to us with a large fishing hook through his foot, this caused a lot of swelling and infection. This large boy has been with us for a week whilst on antibiotics, each day he has been getting stronger…