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Barn Owl
This barn owl was admitted this week after being found lifeless, he was otherwise in good condition. After a couple of days of fluid therapy, the change was quite dramatic, soon he was standing, then attacking us now he’s eating. After another few days of observation, he’ll be moved from our hospital to a large…
Baby Thrush Rescue
This time of year is so hectic for us, as all the baby birds and mammals come in. We are so full now, that we are having to try and divert them elsewhere, as hand rearing so many animals is such a drain on our time and even harder on work days. Some of these guys need…
Pigeon Squab
Today we’ve admitted a swan, a hedgehog with a broken leg and this little man.This pigeon is a little too young to have fledged and was found by a busy road. Pigeons make amazing parents however aren’t renowned for their nest making skills We’ll be his mum for the next couple of weeks. We love…
Sheep Sheering Time
Well its sheep sheering time again. We have seven sheep at the moment, we sheer them ourselves and take the opportunity to worm them, trim their hooves and give them a good check over. This is Jeff, he’s not the usual sheep, he actually doesn’t mind being sheered, he makes it look far easier than…
Littel Hogs
Today has been quite a busy hedgehog day. Ten hedgehogs have been released and four admitted. This little brother and sister duo were found in the garden of the member of public who brought them in to us. They weigh only 28g and are only a few days old. They were dehydrated, bladders full and…

Another Fox Cub
We now have five fox cubs in our care. This female was found trapped in garden netting which has cut deep into her neck leaving an infected wound, she has also become separated from her mum. Thankfully Feline and Wildlife Rescue Nottingham went out to release her and take to the emergency vets. The following…