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Swan Rescue
We have two young swans admitted recently, both from different situations.One cygnet arrived a couple of weeks ago, he has a large abscess on a his right foot. He’s been on antibiotics and pain relief, as he hasn’t been improving, he was operated on this week. Each day we now re-dress his foot, packing with…

Baby Stoat
We admitted a baby stoat a couple of weeks ago, they are flourishing and have progressed from being bottled feeding to eating solids.
The Honeymoon Couple are Re-Homed
Valentines day isn’t just for humans, it is also for those other intelligent creatures such as piggies. You may remember that Woody, who was dumped into the street and found wandering around Mansfield Woodhouse last year, was re-homed. Well things didn’t quite work out and he came back, but not for long. We have since…
Ruby the Blind Fox
Ruby the blind fox cub, who was brought to us in April has made a great recovery. When she arrived, she had a torn ear and an infected puncture wound to her neck and her eyes had a discharge. Although these health issues have now been treated by us, she is unfortunately blind and can…

Fallow Dear Fawn
This very young fallow deer fawn was brought to us after being found trapped in a wire fence and had been separated from her mum. Thankfully she arrived in reasonable shape, the wound isn’t too deep, it’s clean and not infected, so it’s been cleaned and treated with a topical antibiotic. Deer often hide their…
Street Collection 11th Oct 09
This Sunday Nottingham Animal Rights will kindly be doing a street collection on behalf of Brinsley Animal Rescue in Nottingham city centre. If you are able to spare some time or cash then please lend your support and find our supporters in St Petersgate.