Lots of Rabbits Need Homes
Over Christmas we have had lots of rabbits in. Can you offer a rabbit a loving home? Our aim is to pair rabbits up as they are very sociable creatures so if you have a lonely buck or a doe then please give us a call. We also have pairs of rabbits too. All our rabbits are neutered and vaccinated (if old enough) before going on to new homes. At the moment some rabbits that have come in are house rabbits so therefore until the weather gets warmer they will have to remain as house rabbits as they haven’t developed a winter coat. Unfortunately due to increased vets costs we have had to increase our minimum donations – £45 for neutered bucks and £50 for spayed does. Myxi vaccinations then cost us £10 on top of this cost. We also have rabbits teeth and nails trimmed if necessary. We try and match up rabbits to the right home by assessing their temperament. We will always welcome back rabbits if for any reason they turn out to be unsuitable. We are not in the business of making money like Pets at Home and White Post Farm are!!!! We pick up the pieces of these unethical businesses time after time.