Number of Animals Rescued
We have been around for over a decade now and we have steadily grown year on year, being able to care for more varieties and numbers of animals. The following graphs are from our records. The first shows the total number of animals we rescue each year, this is on average around 800 each year, the second graph demonstrates the massive gap between those we help, to those we are not able to rescue, due to limited funds.
The second graph only shows pets, these are the pets we have to turn away, we can only take pets in when space is created by people getting pets from rescues, not breeders driven by money.

The disturbing evidence in the second graph shows that, the average number of pets turned away was around 700 annually, this dropped in 2020 during the pandemic, shockingly in subsequent years, as many pets bought during the pandemic are now unwanted. The number of unwanted pets rose to more than double in 2022 to 1,489.
There is no let up, we are dreading 2023, in the first few days of this year, we have already turned away more rabbits than we found homes for in the whole of 2022 yet breeders and pet shops continue to breed!!
Please consider helping us rescue more animals, please consider making a one-off or regular donation to the charity.
We don’t receive any government support and as we are all volunteers, our overheads are very low, your donations go a long way in helping us relieve the suffering of animals.