
Meet the Walter the Cute Piglet

This little chap is Walter, he is now only 8 days old and being hand reared. Born on 28 December, Walters 5 other siblings unfortunately died, we received a call to take on the only survivor.

We are having to feed him every two hours during the day and 4 hours over night, without having mum around, he is under a heat lamp in our new animal hospital.

Fortunately before we took this little cheeky character on, the former owners managed to give him some of mums milk, so the colostrum will increase his chances of survival.

This pig is one of the first rescues of the year but shortly after he arrived we had 2 more seperate calls for unwanted so called micro-pigs! The situation with unwanted pet pigs is absolutely dire. They are notoriously difficult to rehome because we tell people the realities of responsible pig ownership.

Although very small now at around 600g, this chap will end up about 50-60 kG and be very, very strong.

In 2012, we rehomed only 4 pigs, as we can only take in more as we rehome, we had to unfortunately turn away 101.

Click Here to see a Facebook video of Walter


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