Dusty and Cilla Homed
These two lovely ladies get a new home together, these two sisters also now have new names, dusty and Cilla.
We don’t often rescue birds of prey, but when we do we are amazed by their beauty. This guy we believe has been handled and kept in a very small cage where he could not fly. Therefore he has little muscle tone and cannot currently be released into the wild.
Betty the Pygmy Goat
This week we have taken in another pair of abandoned rabbits. This beautiful and very friend pair of girls were found dumped in a layby next to a busy road. Fly tipped, thrown away as if life doesn’t matter. Domestic rabbits would not stand a chance in the wild, if not taken by a fox,…
Click on image to enlarge Today a baby wild rabbit around three weeks old, who had received injuries to a rear leg was brought to us from a farm in Mansfield. Following a trip to our vets for an X- ray, antibiotics and pain killers, she is making a great recovery. We are hand rearing…
Laddie, the blue and white, and Tinker, the brown and white, are the two newest additions to our herd of 18 ponies. These boys were in need of a new home due to the rescue they were currently being house in was unfortunately having to close down. Laddie and Tinker are two 3 year…