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Jackdaw Rescue

We admitted this beautiful Jackdaw some weeks ago, he arrived with a broken wing. Where possible, we try to repair, if repairable and when there is a realistic chance of the survival and being able to be released. The break was complicated, the only way to repair it was for an operation, fortunate for this…

Stevie Homed

Stevie Homed

When we first set up our charity and started taking in animals we were not prepared for the shear number of animals and pets that needed help. We decided in those early days that if we could find good homes for the animals we took in then we would be able to help more. So…


Sheep Rescue

During the weekend when we have time off from our full time jobs, we are crazily busy rescuing animals, this weekend was no different.In between taking Matilda and her babies to their new home and taking in Harry another rescued farm pig, we squeezed in a two-hour round trip to home these lonely sheep. This…


Meet Harry

As we were moving Matilda and her family to Surge Sanctuary, the space created was soon filled, we had another planned pig rescue taking place, Harry was on his way to fill the space created.Meet Harry, he is another very, very lucky boy. Harry was abandoned by a farmer who had taken animals of value…

Pygmy Goats

We have recently collected three pygmy goats from a home in Wales, the person surrendering them planned to breed them, thankfully they had a change of heart and decided not to add to the growing number of unwanted animals, they chose to hand them into our care.The two three year old girls are having great…

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This young Wood Pigeon was been admitted with a huge air pocket, larger than any we have seen.This can often be caused by the rupture of one or more of their internal air sacks, used for breathing. In this case the air pocket was so large, the pressure was affecting his breathing and preventing him…