Badger Released
The badger we took in via Mid Derbyshire Badger Group has been successfully released back to where he was found. As they are nocturnal, its important that this is done at nighttime whilst they are active.
The badger we took in via Mid Derbyshire Badger Group has been successfully released back to where he was found. As they are nocturnal, its important that this is done at nighttime whilst they are active.
Thanks you everyone who supported our open day last week, we took £4,794 a great achievement considering the current challenges we all face. The day is not only a vital fundraising event for us and other charities who attend, but also a opportunity for our community and supporters to see the work we do, thank…
It’s not everyday that we get a call to rescue a baby Stoat, but today is like many other days, full of surprises.
This female kestrel was admited to our vets at the weekend as she was found grounded. From the X-ray you can see there is a clean break to the left wing. The wing has been strapped to allign the broken bones and allow them to fuse correctly. Now in our hospital she’s receiving pain relief…
We don’t very often rehome ponies, so we were chuffed when we rehome Willow to a great home not too far away. All too often its people wanting to give up their ponies and horses, we rarely find good homes for ur rescued friends. Willow came to us covered with scars where he had been…
Today we had the Capital One top team volunteering at the rescue centre. This is the second volunteering day that that Capital One have spent here, they all grafted hard and got a lot of jobs complete that we just haven’t got the time to finish ourselves. Thanks to these guys, we got an aviary…
We don’t go out to rescue trapped animals, with working full time whilst running the sanctuary, we struggle to cope with that let alone going out rescuing even more creatures. Today though we could not say no when a couple turned up telling us about a hedgehog, that had been trapped for at least two…