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Yesterday we took in 6 goslings. A member of the public stopped when they saw thier mother trying to cross the A52 with her babies and tragically she was killed, thankfully sombody stopped and managed to catch the goslings. When they arrived they were certainly quite traumatised and wouldn’t settle, we added 2 older goslings…

Barn Owl
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Barn Owl

This barn owl was admitted this week after being found lifeless, he was otherwise in good condition. After a couple of days of fluid therapy, the change was quite dramatic, soon he was standing, then attacking us now he’s eating. After another few days of observation, he’ll be moved from our hospital to a large…

Swan Rescue
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Swan Rescue

Just as we successfully released one swan, we rescue and admit another. This juvenile landed and got caught up in brambles and was still in the same location a few days later. After collection we carried out our initial examination and continue to assess. Theres no evidence of injury and we are confident it will…

Swan Rescue

Swan Rescue

Another swan rescue today. We get understandably frustrated by the number of calls we receive for waterfowl caught up in carelessly discarded fishing hooks and line, in most cases we cannot help as we simply don’t have the resources to help or the birds are inaccessible on or close to water. Today we managed to…

Heron Released
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Heron Released

The Heron we admitted mid August has been released today and what a sight it was to see such a large majestic bird fly. This chap arrived emaciated, grounded and very weak, he could hardly stand. X-rays didn’t revieil anything untoward, however we found a high worm burden in his poo. Initially we tube fed…

Rescued Heron

Rescued Heron

This beautiful juvenile Grey Heron was admitted a week ago, they were in quite a poor condition and easily caught. They were very emaciated and quite exhausted with hardly enough energy to stand. On admission we administered special formulated food with electrolytes, to do this we have to tube feed, taking care as they have…

Shot Mallard Duck Receives Vital Surgury
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Shot Mallard Duck Receives Vital Surgury

Whilst some heartless, selfish people take joy in shooting animals and inflicting death and suffering, we go to painstaking efforts to reduce suffering and save lives. This male mallard is one such example, can you please help us raise £2,000 to pay for his treatment and surgery? So far he’s had two operations and now…