Swan Rescue
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Swan Rescue

Just as we successfully released one swan, we rescue and admit another. This juvenile landed and got caught up in brambles and was still in the same location a few days later. After collection we carried out our initial examination and continue to assess. Theres no evidence of injury and we are confident it will…

Stevie & Samie

Stevie & Samie

Meet Stevie and Sammie. Rabbits are probobly the most neglected and abused pet, often bought from pet shops or breeders who have only profit in mind, they offer no or poor advice and some owners don’t do their research, often keeping solitary, unvaccinated, unneutered rabbits in tiny cages, not here! These boys were found in…

Henry Rehomed
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Henry Rehomed

Henry was adopted today, he’s a lucky boy! Henry arrived in September, he was living in a care home however was due to be euthaised as they no longer wanted him and they couldn’t find any rescue with capacity to take him in. Thankfully at the time we had rehomed another cat, so we were…



It has been a busy week (as usual) with many calls for animals including wildlife. Unfortunately we are not always able to respond to large animal rescues, we do though offer advice and signpost. This week calls have included providing advice to vets, the fire brigade and the Police on several occasions. We receive many…

Shot Mallard Duck Receives Vital Surgury
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Shot Mallard Duck Receives Vital Surgury

Whilst some heartless, selfish people take joy in shooting animals and inflicting death and suffering, we go to painstaking efforts to reduce suffering and save lives. This male mallard is one such example, can you please help us raise £2,000 to pay for his treatment and surgery? So far he’s had two operations and now…

5 Kittens Rescued

5 Kittens Rescued

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR KITTENS AND MUM CAT. We have taken these five lovely cats and kittens in need this week. One young mum cat with her four kittens came into the rescue in need of a foster space due to a domestic situation. They are four weeks old and will be ready for rehoming in…

Two Leverets
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Two Leverets

Last week week we released a hare back into the wild which we had hand reared, by the time we returned home, there was a message about two more orphaned leverets, the mum was found dead. We are now hand rearing these two cheeky monkeys. Unlike rabbits, leverets are born with fur and live in…