Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits

The dire situation with unwanted pets never seems to improve, there is a myth that we are a nation of animals lovers, unfortunately after running an animal sanctuary for almost 7 years now, we could can dispel that myth. Every single day we receive calls to take on unwanted animals, the majority of which we…


Woody is Re-Homed

Its sad to say goodbye to Woody as he leaves us for a new home, but really we are happy, he now has Acorn to keep him company. Too many people don’t do their research before buying pigs as pets and they go to breeders, over looking those in rescue centres, then we get inundated…


Rabbit Overload

The days get shorter, the weather gets colder (slightly) and the phone starts constantly going for us to take in more unwanted rabbits. In the past week we have taken in 10 more rabbits and re-homed only 2, but this is unsustainable, we can’t take on more and more, so unfortunately we do have to…