Baby Stoat
We admitted a baby stoat a couple of weeks ago, they are flourishing and have progressed from being bottled feeding to eating solids.
We admitted a baby stoat a couple of weeks ago, they are flourishing and have progressed from being bottled feeding to eating solids.
We had decided not to take on any more pigs, 12 pigs eat a lot of food. However when we heard about this poor girl and saw the condition that she was in, we had to do what we could to help get her out of the squalid, muddy conditions that she was kept in.
It’s certainly been an emotionally challenging week for us all, after losing Boris late Saturday night, we have now had to say goodnight to Harry yesterday. Harry came to us from Little Pigs at Home Animal Sanctuary, he is a commercial pig who had been abandoned by a farmer who’d moved on leaving Harry to…
We rehomed our last 5 goats earlier this year and haven’t had any since, then all in the space of a week we have taken in 5 from 3 separate locations.
We have recently collected three pygmy goats from a home in Wales, the person surrendering them planned to breed them, thankfully they had a change of heart and decided not to add to the growing number of unwanted animals, they chose to hand them into our care.The two three year old girls are having great…
Another day and another bird of prey, we now have 7 Tawny owls with us. This chap got himself caught in netting at a school, thankfully workmen on site built a scaffold to get access to him so he could be freed and brought to us. We carefully removed the remains of the net that…
This little girl came to us in April only a few days old, all cold and very weak. A few hour in an incubator and she was on her way to recovery. Over the weeks we have been taking care of her until large enough to fend for herself in the wild, where she was released yesterday. At…