Attention All Rabbit Owners

We are sad to report that a few weeks ago after taking in 10 rabbits in a weekend, we have had a number of rabbit fatalities due to a suspected outbreak of VHD2 (Viral Hemorrhagic Disease). All our rabbits are now in quarantine, since then we have not taken in any further rabbits or been rehoming any rabbits until we can be sure we have the all clear.

The majority of rabbits come to us unvaccinated, we always vaccinate against myxomatosis and VHD1, until now we have been advised the risk of VHD2 was very low. This advice has now changed.

We have had post-mortems carried out on all 7 of the bunnies that have died, with samples sent to two laboratories. Whilst we cannot be 100% sure, all the signs are that they were infected with VHD2, we are expecting further laboratory reports shortly which may confirm this.

Both VHD1 and VHD2 are potentially very easily spread by wildlife as well as direct contact with an infected rabbit, including wild rabbits.

Our remaining rabbits are now having an additional VHD2 vaccine and our quarantine measures will remain until further notice.

We have had confirmation from a number of local vets and other sources that there has been confirmation of other fatalities due to VHD2. We therefore strongly recommend that all rabbit owners get their rabbits FULLY vaccinated.

A good source of information about rabbit diseases can be found on the link below;…/frequently-asked-…/FAQRHD

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