Chipmunk & Daisy

Age : 1+ years Breed : Netherland Dwarf Bonded : Yes Neutered/Spayed: Chipmunk is Neutered Rescued: July 09 We need a very special home for this bonded male and female pair. Both rabbits have dental problems which means that they will need their front teeth trimmed regularly.  In fact they need their teeth trimming every 2…

Battery Hen Rescue

We have rescued 80 ex-battery chickens this week, taking our total for the year to over 400. These poor girls live an awful life, in extremely cramped cages, each hen has no more space than an A4 piece of paper. The flock is usually sent for slaughter at 12 to 18 months and replaced with new…

Huge thank you!

We just want to say a huge, huge thank you to everyone that helped out and supported our first open day on Sunday. We are so, so grateful to so many people.  We raised nearly £2,000 with more money still being pledged which is more than we ever hope for.

Molly the Pig Rescue

We had decided not to take on any more pigs, 12 pigs eat a lot of food. However when we heard about this poor girl and saw the condition that she was in, we had to do what we could to help get her out of the squalid, muddy conditions that she was kept in.