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150 Barn Hens Rescued

We have rescued another 150 hens, these were part of 20,000 birds going for slaughter, it would have perfect to rescued them all, but at least 150 will find life-long loving homes.

These are barn hens, just like caged and free range hens, at the end of their commercial life they are sent for slaughter to become pet food or cheap chicken pies, and replaced with younger more productive hens.

Although kept as barn hens, people are generlly quite shocked to see thier poor condition, they do not look like the happy health hen portrayed on egg boxes. In their new homes, they quickly recover, regrown their feathers and get quite brave and become great pets.

These girls have come all the way from Norfolk and we are now looking for life-long homes. If you would like to offer a home, please see our website for more details.


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