Pigeon with a torn crop
This handsome guy came to us with a ruptured crop.
This handsome guy came to us with a ruptured crop.
This young Sparrow Hawk came to us with an injured right wing. Fortunately for this beautiful bird the damage is repairable. The wing is now tied back to allow it to heal, the bird will be kept confined for around 4 weeks before being moved to a large aviary and prepared for release. Update 27 September Today…
This unfortunate swan managed to get a large fishing hook caught in his foot. This has now been removed by a vet and he’s with us whilst resting and completes a course of antibiotics. All looks positive for a release back with his partner in a few days time.
Last week we posted about one of the swans in our care, who arrived after being found in the middle of a busy road, very weak and disorientated. We took the large mature swan to our vets as there were no obvious signs that might cause his symptoms, there he was x-rayed which reviled a…
An elderly cob has just been admitted, brought to us by the RSPCA (England & Wales), he’s weak and a little subdued. Thankfully he started eating and drinking rehydration fluid, a good sign, fingers crossed.
This male sparrow hawk has had a lucky escape thanks to the staff at the City Hospital, Nottinghamshire Fire Brigade and ourselves. He was found hanging pretty much upside down in a tree, in fact he was glued to the leaves by the ousing sap, he tried but could not escape the sticky leaves. We…
This beautiful tawny owl chick came to us three weeks ago. She was found at the base of a tree and was on the brink of death. She could not even stand, she was very weak and dehydrated. We started by warming her up in an incubator, then after a few hours and warm, we had to…