New server

The website will be transferring servers on the 25th (tomorrow). During this time, any comments made may be lost. This notice will be removed once the process is complete.


We desperately need a variety of equipment and materials, as well as help, to allow us to continue to expand our sanctuary to allow us to rescue more animals.

Chester Rehomed 8 Jan-09

Chester had been with us for over a year but because he was what we term a ‘dental bunny’ in that he needs regular dental checks then we found it difficult to find him a home.  However, our good friend who took on Georgie boy (the German lop with dental issues) decided to offer this special boy…


2008 A Successful First Year for Brinsley Animal Rescue

2008 was a very important year for us, firstly Brinsley Animal Rescues was formed but it was also a year in which we had to fight red tape, to allow us to continue with our animal rescue, when we were forced to apply for planning permission. Fortunately it was eventully granted. Over the year we have looked after between 100…