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Gerbils Rehomed 9 December 08
There are quite a few gerbils that need good homes. Someone had been breeding these poor animals out of control and the result has been hundreds of unwanted little gerbils. Many of these gerbils have now been dispersed to quite a few rescue centres throughout the U.K to ease the burden. (We are part of an amazing network…
The Honeymoon Couple are Re-Homed
Valentines day isn’t just for humans, it is also for those other intelligent creatures such as piggies. You may remember that Woody, who was dumped into the street and found wandering around Mansfield Woodhouse last year, was re-homed. Well things didn’t quite work out and he came back, but not for long. We have since…
Rescued Goose
On Sunday we were called to see if we could rescue a poor Canadian Goose at the Riverside Festival, he had collapsed amongst the crowds of people. We soon caught him and put him into a goose bag to safely transport him back to our wildlife hospital, then just as we were leaving, the Festival…
200 Chickens Saved from Slaughter
This week we have rescued a further 200 hens from a commercial caged farm in Cambridge, these hens would have otherwise been killed for pet food or cheap pies. Egg laying hens have a bleak life, as soon as they lay eggs around 16 weeks, they are confined into overcrowded cages, with little of their…
New Muck Spreader Arrives
Today we took delivery of our new muck spreader, well its not exactly new but it’s certainly fit for purpose. Thank you Henry and Ken at Stretton Agri-Machinery ( for helping us out, for finding a suitable budget spreader, refurbishing it, delivering it to us and giving us a lesson in muck spreading! Having 10…
Pygmy Goats
We have recently collected three pygmy goats from a home in Wales, the person surrendering them planned to breed them, thankfully they had a change of heart and decided not to add to the growing number of unwanted animals, they chose to hand them into our care.The two three year old girls are having great…