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Lots of Rabbits Need Homes
Over Christmas we have had lots of rabbits in. Can you offer a rabbit a loving home?
A Trio of gerbils Rehomed 15 March 09
This mischevious trio of gerbils lived in our office for a few months and kept us entertained. On Sunday, one of our volunteers fell in love with the little fellas and so they made their way to a new home. We miss them already but do have more that need new homes!
Goats Rehomed
Today Maggie, Sky, Dorothy and Matilda arrived at their new home. We’ll miss these girls, however we’ve now got space to take in more animals, in fact there’s another pair already lined up to arrive.

R.I.P. Maisy Moo
This week has been like no other, we had the terrible loss of Herbie our bull, on Tuesday, only three days later yesturday, we said goodbye to our beautiful Maisy Moo. Maisy Moo was hand reared by a farmer’s granddaughter and kept as a pet after Maisy’s mum died during birth, when the farm closed…
Myxomatosis – The Importance of Vaccination
Many people purchase their pet rabbits from pet shops, where they are offered little if no advice and the pets are certainly not vaccinated. Each year thousands of wild and pet rabbits die a painful death from what is a preventable virus, myxomatosis.