Dillon Rehomed 3rd November
Dolly was destined for slaughter, no-longer needed as a dairy goat. During her life, she would have repeatedly given birth to kids, so that she would produce milk which could be harvested every day. Fortunately we were able to take her on and offer her a better life. Dolly is very thin, bold in places and generally not in good…
These two girls were with us for too long, the little sweeties were passed over too many times but now thay have a great new life.
**Rehomed** Description: Hi! My name is Brer and I am a 2- 3 year old chocolate rex buck. About me: I arrive on the 22/10/16 and was given up as the child became bored of me. Temperament: I am an extremely friendly fellow who loves having his cheeks rubbed! I am very people orientated and…
Ivor and Eric finally found a fabulous home with someone that ordinarily rehomes cats. It’s a good job they love bunnies too and were able to offer Ivor and Eric the home they deserve.
This pair of guinea pigs have been rehomed with a loving family. They were born at the rescue centre when we took in a pregnant sow. They were adorable Abysinnian guinea pigs and loved to ‘popcorn’ (excited guinea pig jump) around the garden in the sunshine. We know they have gone to a great home…