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Katy Rehomed July 10
Age : 1-2 years Breed : Lionhead Bonded : No Neutered/Spayed: No Rescued: July 09 Katy is a lovely rabbit, used and abused by a breeder. Katy likes a good fuss and in time would get used to being handled. Katy likes her hutch and bed to be just so – she gets very disgruntled by anyone…
Gentle George gets a new home
‘Gentle George’ has had a few homes in his time but we hope that this time it is his forever home with his new lady friend. He headed off into the sunshine a couple of weeks ago and is doing really well with someone that is more his own size! We still have quite a…
Patsy and Angel Homed
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Betty and Derek find a new Home
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Dexter Rehomed 4 May 09
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