Dolly, Rehomed
Star found a lovely home and our home checkers described her home as ‘first class’. She has found a great home with bunny friends.
Penny found a fabulous home with lots of other piggies. She was exhausted after having 2 litters that ran her into the ground. She will now have the care and attention she deserves. We left her in her new house munching on a huge bowl of fresh salad.
We are so happy that we have found Lottie a great new home. She was chucked out onto the street to fend for herself having given birth to kittens. This loveable little lady was spayed and then went to a fabulous home where she is evidently getting lots of fuss from a very doting family.
Back in June we took on these 8 orphaned ducklings. Yesterday they were all released, back into the wild, all fully fit and well. These were 8 orphaned Mallard ducklings of 22 taken on this year.
Curly and Tufty who we saved some years ago have finally found a wonderful new home with another goat called Henry. Although Henry is very small and the boys very large, they got on fine and soon settled in. In fact Henry can walk underneath the boys without touching the sides! The boys were original…
3 years old Dwarf Lop Vaccinated but not yet spayed Poppy sadly came in with her sister but they had been badly fighting and both had several war wounds. Poppy has a permanent ripped ear and really didn’t like her sister at all. Poppy needs a male companion and if she is to go with…