Meet Stevie the Goat
Meet Stevie, he has returned to us after many years. Stevie was rehomed by us along with other goats and pigs, many years on he’s outlived the others so he has returned to us, he has happily settled in with our other goats and he now looks like he has never left us!

Meet Rudy, Speedy and Gracie
Last week was devastating for us, losing two of our beautiful older cows in only a few days. We cannot possibly replace Herbie and Maisy, however this loss does create space to allow us to rescue more. Yesterday we took delivery of Rudy, Speedy and Gracie, these beautiful calves are now saved to live their…

Meet the Newbies
Meet Bettie and Dottie two young female goats, their owner took ill and needed to give them up. They have been in quarantine from arrival as we had no history, this week to thier joy we have them them out to free roam with other animals. These friendly girls are now looking for a new…

R.I.P. Maisy Moo
This week has been like no other, we had the terrible loss of Herbie our bull, on Tuesday, only three days later yesturday, we said goodbye to our beautiful Maisy Moo. Maisy Moo was hand reared by a farmer’s granddaughter and kept as a pet after Maisy’s mum died during birth, when the farm closed…

R.I.P. Herbie
We are very sad to announce that we have had to say goodbye to our gentle giant Herbie, the dairy bull we rescued some nine years ago and hand reared. Yesterday morning Dee Dee, one of the herd was mooing and mooing, she was trying to attract our attention, something wasn’t right, she wanted to…

Swan Rescue
Another swan rescue today. We get understandably frustrated by the number of calls we receive for waterfowl caught up in carelessly discarded fishing hooks and line, in most cases we cannot help as we simply don’t have the resources to help or the birds are inaccessible on or close to water. Today we managed to…

Busy Day
Today has been a busy one with a hedgehog admitted and we had three call outs to attend to. This juvenile swan was on a busy road, we have taken him in to check over before a safe release. We took a call for another swan in the centre of a duel carriageway, however they…

It has been a busy week (as usual) with many calls for animals including wildlife. Unfortunately we are not always able to respond to large animal rescues, we do though offer advice and signpost. This week calls have included providing advice to vets, the fire brigade and the Police on several occasions. We receive many…