Bunnies Homed

We’ve managed to rehome 7 rabbits at the weekend with another 4 reserved. We’ve had to also turn a lot away as we are always up to full capacity. Over 95% of the rabbits that come into the rescue are never vaccinated and never neutered. This puts huge financial pressures on the rescue to keep…

Geese Homed

We don’t manage to find homes for geese too often, this year we haven’t done too bad with our third pair finding really great homes. This pair are now living on an arable farm along with chickens and ducks. Not everyone likes geese, they do make really good guard dogs, raising the alarm to any…

R.I.P. Shaunie and Kiwi

The past couple of weeks has been so hard for us all at Brinsley, we have lost two of our beautiful friends. Shaunie the sheep came from a farm when all of his siblings went of to be slaughtered. Shaunie though was special, he had a deformed rear leg, in fact only half a leg…