Three Goats rehomed 22 July 09
Bill and his two daughters, now called Albert, Tinkerbell and Annabel now have a great home in Stoke where they have a massive field and lambs and chickens as friends.
Bill and his two daughters, now called Albert, Tinkerbell and Annabel now have a great home in Stoke where they have a massive field and lambs and chickens as friends.
Storm is so cute, lovable and very friendly yet unwanted, why, because he is male. Male goats are the unwanted byproduct of the milk industry because unlike the females, males don’t produce milk. Many end up in the meat or pet food industry.
Back in June you may have read about these little dears, they were abandoned and all on their own. Their mother went missing for several days and so we took them on.
Age : 1 year Breed : Short haired Bonded : No Neutered/Spayed: No Rescued 1/2/08 Percy is quite a timid little lad. He came from an animal hoarder and was being kept in a cellar. He is a sweet boy, he has been with us for sometime now but we don’t know why he gets passed…
Age : 6 months Breed : Honey lop Bonded : Yes Neutered/Spayed: Yes Rescued: Jan 09 Unfortunately Joey, even though he is still young himself is the father of some baby rabbits. He came in with ‘Fluffy’ his wife and both were unneutered. Fluffy has had 3 babies and we are waiting until these are…
Lottie, this beautiful and loving cat , was brought to us by a friend of the charity after being found dumped at the side of a road. She has recently given birth to kittens before she arrived which is probably why she was dumped. Although we don’t usually take in cats, she desperately needed some where to stay until a…
We take in all kinds of animals, from unwanted hamsters to blind bulls. It is the same for wildlife, we hand rear fox cubs, birds, squirrels, hedgehogs and even in this case a baby field mouse, smaller than my thumb!
Penny found a fabulous home with lots of other piggies. She was exhausted after having 2 litters that ran her into the ground. She will now have the care and attention she deserves. We left her in her new house munching on a huge bowl of fresh salad.