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Open Day Success
A massive thank you to everyone who supported our annual Summer Open Day. Thanks to our hard working volunteers who have been so busy preparing, setting up, baking and clearing away. Thank you also to the 600 people who came and visited us, despite the really poor weather and who braved the mud. Taking into…
Colin Moves On
This weekend we took Colin to his new, life-long home. We originally took in Colin in August this year, he was reported to have been a stray. He wasn’t castrated, so we needed to sort that out, to get him ready for rehoming. Male pigs need to be castrated, this makes them less boisterous but…
Sheep Find Life-Long Home
We have found three rams and a ewe to an amazing home where we have re-homed pet sheep before. These four have joined a resident pair to make a new flock, that have lots and lots of open space, lush grasses and wild plants to feed off and good shelter.This is all in good time…
Curly and Tufty of off to Pastures New!
Curly and Tufty who we saved some years ago have finally found a wonderful new home with another goat called Henry. Although Henry is very small and the boys very large, they got on fine and soon settled in. In fact Henry can walk underneath the boys without touching the sides! The boys were original…
These 9 ducklings were brought to us by the RSPCA, their mum was leading them across a road when she was killed, so sad however at least these were rounded up and brought to us. They are under a heat lamp in our hospital and so far 48 hours later all are doing well.
Rabbits in Need of a Life-Long Home
Every week without fail, we receive a call or an email asking us to take on more pets. We have a non-destruct policy, we never destroy an animal unless it is in the animals best interest, due to ill health or injury. Therefore we can only take in more animals when we create space by re-homing. But too often,…