Adoption Process
Prior to re-homing, all of our bunnies are health checked, neutered and fully vaccinated.
Males are castrated so that they don’t get females pregnant, fight with other males or spray.
As over 90% of females sucomb to ovarian cancer, we spay females to eliminate this high risk.
Adopting a rabbit is an exciting experience, please click on the link above to see what rabbits we have that are available. If you can’t find your requirements, please get in touch as we often don’t have volunteers time to keep the site up to date, new bunnies come in all of the time and some may not quite be ready for re-homing. If you are interested in adopting a rabbit;
- Contact us about any rabbit(s) that your interested in and we’ll happily provide any further information and support. We advise that you follow up with an appointment to meet the rabbit(s).
- If you see a rabbit(s) that you would like to adopt, you can reserve them until you or the rabbits are ready, this is subject to your set up meeting our adoption criteria, therefore;
- Rabbits are highly social creatures that live in groups in the wild. As pets, they need to be in pairs or groups, we will only rehome in groups or pairs or single rabbits to be bonded with another that you have.
- Any rabbit you have need to be neutered and have full in date vaccinations.
- Accommodation and runs need to meet our minimum standard as defined by the Rabbit Welfare Association (see below).
- Once a bunny is reserved and you are ready to adopt, you’ll sign an adoption agreement and pay the minimum adoption fee.
- Once adopted we’ll provide support and advice.
- If your adopted rabbit(s) need bonding with ones already in your care, we will offer advice and encourage you to bond, we can though subject to space bond them for you.
Adoption Standard
Cage & Run Size
We use the Rabbit Welfare Associations guidance on minimum cage and run sizes. Cages need to be approximately a minimum of 2m long (6’7″). Runs need to be connected or integral and all be fox proof. To see the Rabbit Welfare advice and other good advice Click Here.
Also Click Here to see a video from the RWA on advise for rabbits enclosures and runs.

Single Rabbits?
Rabbits are highly sociable creatures and in the wild they live in social groups, they are much happier in pairs or groups and so we never home a rabbit on their own, they must have a partner.
Generally we bond castrated males with spayed females. Male or female pairs only work if they are neutered and have been together from birth.
If you are adopting a partner for your bunny from us, he or she needs to be fully vaccinated prior to adoption. Even though we require males to be castrated, we still neutered females. Firstly this makes females less hormonal and territorial, but also hugely reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
Adoption Fees
We ask for a minimal adoption fee to help the towards the charities huge vet costs for treatment, vaccinations and neutering. Our minimal adoption fees are;
Single Male : £100 – Single Female: £130 – Bonded Pair: £180
All of our bunnies are fully vaccinated (VHD1, VHD2 and Myxomatosis) and all females neutered, all males castrated. The costs to the charity are significant, we therefore ask for the minimum addition fee towards these costs;
All viewings are strictly by appointment only.