
Kestrel Rescue

This chap was found on the floor, unable to fly, the report we received was that he had a broken wing. Fortunately, although very weak and with flat fly, he was well, but unable to fly. He is now recovering with us, he was initially force fed for the first few days, but is now eating himself and eating…

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Mallard and her Ducklings saved from a Sticky End

This mother Mallard nests on the roof of the QMC Hospital every year to rear her young, the maintenance staff there take care of her and transport her young to water when ready. Unfortunately last week, roof repairs were carried out and mum and ducklings walked through wet sealant covering themselves in a sticky mess. Three of her chicks didn’t make it to us,…

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Mallard Released

This little girl came to us in April only a few days old, all cold and very weak. A few hour in an incubator and she was on her way to recovery. Over the weeks we have been taking care of her until large enough to fend for herself in the wild, where she was released yesterday. At…

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Tawny Owl Chick

This little chick was found on the forest floor with no sign of the parents. The chick came to us in reasonable health, although he/she would not have survived long on the ground with no parents. After a hours or so in an incubator to get him warm, we could feed him. Owl’s have to…

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Baby Wild Rabbit

This baby wild rabbit or kit as the babies are known, was brought to us last week, she had been brought in by a pet cat. She is doing well in an incubator to keep her warm, she is eating and putting on weight. Cat bites can be very infectious, this infection too often kills wild animals,…


Mallard Duckling

This young mallard duckling has been with us for a week now and doing well. The duckling was found on its own, with no parents around or any other ducklings. It can be quite difficult to rear single ducklings as they can become quite stressed and withdrawn on their own, constantly crying for their parents, fortunately this chap has done well…